What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a gentle non-invaisive biophysics based therapy that is suitable for all ages.

With bioresonance we are able to identify and eliminate energetic stresses and blockages from the body, which then allows your body to balance and heal.

Throughout our day to day lives, we are exposed to a number of stresses to the body.  There is no avoiding it in today's modern world!  Some of the main ones are;

  • radiation; electromagnetic pollution from WiFi, computers and tablets, mobile phones, cell towers, smart meters and other electrical devices

  • chemicals; domestic cleaning products, body products, pesticides

  • heavy metals

  • parasites (yes, they are gross... every body thinks they couldn't possibly have them, but I assure you, you do!)

  • viruses and fungi, including molds

  • bacteria

  • food additives; preservatives, herbacides, glyphosate

  • emotional stressors; trauma, grief, fear, sadness and other emotions

A treatment session may involve a combination of;

  • identifying and clearing energetic blockages in the body

  • balancing the overall energy of the body and the body's chakras

  • supporting various meridians in the body

  • identifying nutritional deficiencies and nutritional support

  • identifying and reducing various stresses to the body

  • boosting the immune system and gut health

  • supporting the body's organs, particularly the detoxification organs

Every treatment session is customised to you as an individual as we are all unique beings.

As a bioresonance practitioner, I seek to find the underlying stresses for your body and to get to the root cause, so your body can then do what it is designed to do.... heal itself!